Disconnection ... has many weird forms ...  … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Disconnection ... has many weird forms ...  … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article





I was at coffee.

.... with Emma.

Suddenly ... smiling ... she tells me ...


"You know ... in Ghana, the first thing a wife should do if her husband has died is to go and cleanse herself of her husband's energy.

She should go out and have sex with the first person she meets and only after that, she can go to the funeral home and book her husband's funeral"

Shocked ... i've just replied ... "What?!"

I could not believe Emma's words ... but she was always studying weird things about the human beings.

... from all over the world.

Honestly speaking ... many americans or europeans ... will say that this is a very primitive tradition.

But i smile again.

Most certainly ... my wife would do this if i would die today.

... and i am from Europe.

The question is ... what is really the significance of such a weird fact?!

Well ... i would trend to believe that is actually all about becoming conscious of the death.


Disconnecting ... simply by connecting with another man.

Disconnecting .... somehow consciously.

Accepting the death.

Accepting that wife and husband will never be again together.

Accepting it ... right away.

It's like a medicine ... a magic pill ... that would help to digest the ... break up.

Allowing life to continue.

... having another man too.

It's a forced way of re adaptation ... to a situation ... which will actually never change.

That dead person ... will never come back ... to life.

And ... this fact needs to be understood right away.

All ... should continue.

... the way normality needs to continue.

So ... are those traditions from Ghana ... primitive traditions?!

Well ... i have into my country lots of other primitive traditions ... but i guess what happened in Ghana long time ago... when this weird fact appeared ... is actually the representation of death.

... immediately.

Without regrets.

Without... thinking too much.

And ... i wonder how many men ... from the so called civilised countries would admit that their wives would like to do the same ... like the women from Ghana.

But ... of course ... we're too blinds to see such an obvious truth ...

Download the book ”The dark side ... of the human being

philosophical & spiritual essayswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.



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